Venue 2012: Mavrovo

The third BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting will be held from 19.08. until 25.08 2012 in Mavrovo, Macedonia.

The third BIRN Summer School was held from 19 to 25 August, in sunny Mavrovo, Macedonia.

BIRN gathered high profile trainers and panellists from the Balkans, Europe and USA.

Amongst them were Sheila Coronel, the director and professor of Toni Stable Center at Columbia University, Pro Publica senior editor Mark Schoofs, Paul Lewis of the Guardian, Vuk Djuricic, spokesman for the Bureau for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime and Stephen Grey, Reuters special correspondent and author.

This year we had 28 participants – twenty from the Balkans and the rest from Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Australia, USA and Austria.

Photo by: Helen Darbishire