A graduate of Tirana University, Faculty of Philosophy. Lani was also a correspondent for the Spanish newspaper ‘El Mundo’ between 1991 1993; and for ‘Zeri’ newspaper, in Pristina, between 1993 and 1995.
Lani currently works as the Executive Director of the Albanian Media Institute and is also editor of the Alternative Information Network in Tirana, the first President of the South East Network of Media Centers and Media Institutes, which brings together 17 organisations in SEE and is a founding member of the first Human Rights Group in Albania (The Forum for Human Rights).
He has written widely on Balkan affairs for local and international newspapers and magazines such as: ‘El Mundo’ Madrid, ‘The Guardian’ London, Quimera Barcelona, The International Spectator Rome, Futuribili Trieste, Fokus Skopje, Nasha Borba Belgrade, Vreme Belgrade, Oslobodjenie Sarajevo, Monitor Podgorica, War Report London, and Transition-Prague.
Lani has worked with the Aspen Institute, Berlin, the Istituto Affari Internationali-Rome, CESPI-Rome, the Center for International and Strategic Studies- Washington, the Carter Center- Atlanta, and the Hellenic Foundation-Athens on a range of Balkans related projects and has participated in numerous conferences, seminars and post graduate qualification courses in Albania, the USA, Greece, France, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, England, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland and Turkey.
He is co author of the books ‘My Albania Ground Zero’ New York, 1992 and ‘Masters of Humanist Philosophy’, Tirana, 2000.