Redon Skikuli

Digital Infrastructure
Expert CryptoParty Tirana (CPT)

Redon Skikuli has been a digital rights and Free Libre Open Source promoter since 2012. Co-founder of, Open Source Conference Albania (known widely as OSCAL), CryptoParty Tirana and LibreLabs Albania. Redon is a passionate advocate for open knowledge and online privacy, based in Tirana, Albania. He studied communication and marketing in Athens, but changed direction when he co-founded the first hackerspace in 2012. Since then, he’s been at the forefront of initiatives like CryptoParty Tirana and OSCAL, driving conversations on digital rights and open access in Tirana. His dedication to open knowledge is evident in extensive contributions to projects like OpenStreetMap, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikidata. Last but not least, Redon has been invited to various open-source conferences as a presenter, sharing insights on various topic with emphasis on digital rights in the post Snowden age.

Summer School of Investigative Reporting 2024 Sessions

How do Tech & Journalism Intersect and What to Do With It

Redon Skikuli and Boris Budini will jointly explore how to extract more insights from publicly available open-source information online,  showcasing of powerful tools and practical skills for investigative journalism. From data analysis to online research, we will try to get some practical skills and resources that can be used daily.

Group session: Advanced Deep & Dark Web

In this session, Redon Skikuli and Boris Budini will explore safe navigation techniques for investigating stories on the deep and dark web, including advanced methods for secure payments and information analysis, with live demonstrations and hands-on experience.